Local Talent. The Art and Life of Joe De Yong.

Opening Reception – July 14th
Grand Opening & Movie Night – July 15th

Joe De Yong (1894-1975) was a preeminent western artist, whose inspirational life story should be shouted from rooftops. But Joe wasn’t like that, preferring to draw attention to others rather than himself. His own life was remarkable, from a childhood case of cerebral meningitis that left him deaf for the rest of his life, to becoming the only protégé of Charles M. Russell, to working on movie sets with Cecil B. DeMille and western celebrities of the time. He had an incredible talent himself; his art spanned painting, sketching, illustrating, etching, and sculpting.
The exhibit opens on Saturday, July 15th and includes photographs of Joe’s life, stories of the times in his own words from letters and notes, paintings, etchings, sculptures and even his illustrated hats and chaps.